Funny Valentines Quote, Love Is In The Air But So Is Covid T Shirt - Molotees

 Funny Valentines Quote, Love Is In The Air But So Is Covid T Shirt

It was great fun all along from 9:00 AM until sunset, sometimes a little beyond sunset, but that was theFunny Valentines Quote, Love Is In The Air But So Is Covid T Shirt time. Many times, we’d all lie down for a nap and fall asleep to great music from every direction. For the first several years, tickets were reasonable. Hell, they were cheap enough for us working college kids to afford. Additionally, we were allowed to bring in our own food and drinks from home. Everyone pulled a little red wagon with one ice chest stocked with beer and/or wine and the smaller one with food. Jazz Fest food was just too good to pass up for long. The organizers banned little red wagons and ice chests from outside sooner than we would have liked, but that restriction made sense even to the people who complained.

Funny Valentines Quote, Love Is In The Air But So Is Covid T Shirt(Funny Valentines Quote, Love Is In The Air But So Is Covid T Shirt)

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Graphic Guinea Pig Design PAWS Vintage Carrots Arts For Fans T Shirt - Molotees



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