Harley Davidson Skull Motorcycles T Shirt - Limotees

 Harley Davidson Skull Motorcycles T Shirt

Now for the Unholy Triplets.: Leo-It should be obvious-NEVER PISS OFF A LION!! They will get loud and they will roar for the blood of the person that betrayed them and they can get very, very petty even over stupid shit. They do not take it lightly when someone embarrasses or humiliates them and it will take several people to hold him down when the King of Beasts wants to kill. They can make the temperature of the room feel icy cold and strike people dumb when entering the room, fists balled up, jaw clenched, and with a big grimace showing that kitty is about to unleash its claws. They are also very protective of their cubs. At home, they are playful with their cubs and want them to have the best of everything. They will want to show off their babies and Harley Davidson Skull Motorcycles T Shirt them with affection. Crushing the little cub’s dreams under your bootheel is ill advised. Making fun of the uniforms that Leo Dad worked hard to create for his cubling’s Little League team will make a tantrum form. Hurting a Leo’s little cub directly will make him come after you in the night and he really won’t care what the cops do to him next. You have hurt his baby. You must be destroyed.

Harley Davidson Skull Motorcycles T Shirt(Harley Davidson Skull Motorcycles T Shirt)
