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In the next morning, it is customary for Japanese Style Big Wave Surfing Dragons Zip Shirt to immediately visit their closest relatives before anything else (within the first three days is optimal). Women may visit their birth parents but it is forbidden to do so before the last of the three days because their place is primarily with their husband’s family. The exchange of gift occurs many times during these visits, and people prepare the best gifts to show their appreciation as well as love for the relatives. Everyone dresses in the best clothing possible, usually suits or áo the for men and aodai for women. The aftermath of the new year lasts long because of the following holidays, but the essence of the Tết Nguyên Đán is focused on the first days of the new year, in which the first people visiting a home are thought to bring fortune. Festivals occur around the city for days and television programs never cease. The new year is indeed the most important holiday of the Vietnamese.

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